PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization)

About the PTO

The PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) offers a way for parents to come together to support our school in a variety of ways. The PTO works closely with Principal Miller, Assistant Principal Watson, teachers, and staff to identify needs and find ways to provide appropriate resources.


There is no fee to join the PTO! If you are a member of the Ludlow-Taylor community, you are a member of the PTO. Whether you have multiple hours or just a few minutes, we need your help! Any time you can provide helps make an impact at the school. To get involved, please email, contact a committee chair or any member of the Executive Board, or come to our next meeting!

What We Do

The PTO raises funds to provide tools and programs for our teachers and staff and special experiences for all Ludlow-Taylor students.

Through PTO fundraising efforts like the annual Warrior Fund Drive and Warriors’ Night Out, our annual auction event, the PTO is able to:

  • Support FoodPrints, school assemblies, field trips, and Field Day
  • Purchase enrichment materials for classrooms 
  • Fund quality professional development opportunities such as Readers and Writers Workshop, Conscious Discipline training, and the Whole Child Collaborative
  • Host community events, such as the Thanksgiving Potluck, Pancakes and Literacy Night, and International Night—that allow us all to get to know one another outside the mayhem of drop-off and pick-up

While fundraising is a big part of what we do, it’s not the only thing. Through PTO committees, we also have parents who:

  • Plan and staff open houses during lottery season to let prospective families learn about Ludlow-Taylor
  • Organize and participate in beautification days that help keep our incredible facilities looking first-rate
  • Identify and write grants to supplement our fundraising efforts 
  • Design and maintain our website and social media channels.
  • Plan community and family events

PTO Budget SY 2023–2024

The PTO raises money each year to support a variety of programs at Ludlow-Taylor. The projected PTO budget for the school year 2023-2024 is $142,700. 

A few examples of the types of programs and initiatives, by category, supported by the PTO:

  • Instructional Materials and Curricular Support: FoodPrints (increasing our investment significantly this year to keep the program while also adding Science), Science, Field Trip support (new this year), Teacher gift cards for classroom supplies
  • Professional Development and Teacher Appreciation: Readers Workshop, Conscious Discipline, K/1 Phonics, and treats for teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week and throughout the year
  • Events: Beautification Day, Pancakes and Literacy, monthly celebrations related to Diversity/Equity/Inclusion efforts, Thanksgiving Potluck, International Night, Movie Night, Spring Fling, Field Day, and 5th Grade Graduation
  • Special Projects: Varies by year. Principal Miller and AP Watson decide what resources to devote to big-ticket items of importance to the school program. 
  • Operations: Costs associated with PTO licensure, insurance, and general operations; funds for emergency supply needs in the school.

PTO Executive Board

The Executive Board manages the PTO and oversees its activities according to the Ludlow-Taylor PTO Bylaws. Each parent or guardian of a Ludlow-Taylor student can elect Executive Board members to serve two-year terms.
Angelle Baugh, Co-President
Chris HanleyCo-President
Jessica BowronVice President
Krista VogtTreasurer
Lauren PippingerAssistant Treasurer
Hannah ZlotnickSecretary
Channing Cooper, Teacher Representative
Penelope Miller, Principal
Sandy Watson, Assistant Principal

PTO Meetings & Updates

The PTO will provide updates on its activities at our quarterly in-person community meetings. Check our school calendar for upcoming dates. 
You can also read a weekly update of all school-wide activities. The PTO Update is published each Friday via the PTO list-serve and the most recent one will always be linked here
Families, neighbors, community organizations, and local businesses together strengthen the Ludlow-Taylor community. Family members and neighbors are needed to chaperone field trips, help with FoodPrints, support classroom and specials teachers, share their talents, and celebrate student successes.